Coffee With Batman | TimH via YouTube
Pernah bayangin ngopi bareng Batman? Gak nyangka Batman ternyata punya jenis kopi kesukaan: Batspresso!
Coffee Jerks | Via YouTube
Potongan iklan-iklan kopi absurd jaman dulu.
Coffee Time | wan-tzu via Vimeo
“Every cup of coffee contains its own soul, extracted from your feeling today.every cup of coffee is like a magic show containing different journey and bringing the unending imagination and surprises.With a sip of coffee, you not only taste your own story, but also change your perspective of the world”
Troopers: Coffee Run | via Youtube
Sebuah video parody Star Wars dari yang bercerita tentang “Darth Vader” nyuruh salah satu “Stormtroopers” untuk pergi beli kopi di South West Quadrant yang berjarak tempuh 3 hari perjalanan. Lihat video disini.
Alien vs Coffee Machine | Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen via Youtube
Sebuah waktu di masa depan, Alien melawan mesin kopi.