Underrated Must-See Museums You Haven’t Heard Of Yet

When it comes to finding inspiration, museums are the absolute holy grail. Spending a day at a museum—any museum, actually—can change your whole perspective. We rounded up some majestic photos of museums around the world, whose architecture is just as big an attraction as their exhibits. These underrated museums aren’t necessarily the most frequently visited or popular—you won’t find the Natural History Museum in London or the Museum of Modern Art in New York in this collection, but the beauty of their exteriors and interiors, plus their all-around uniqueness make them a must-see! Scroll down, and see for yourself! And if you can think of more to add to this list, let us know what we missed in the comments below.

Milwaukee Art Museum (photo: Abdullah AlJaber)

Nelson-Atkins museum by Hayden Gascoigne

Denver Colorado Museum of Art by Jure Kravanja

Riverside Museum by Bill McKelvie

British Museum by Javier Díaz Barrera


See more: 500px.com

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