Moonassi is an illustrative series by Dae-Hyun Kim, an artist from South Korea who turned his attention to creating these black and white drawings during his studies in Oriental Painting at Hongik University, Seoul.
Although the collection has no particular recurring thread, what struck me is how relatable the situations are – even though they initially appear abstract.
We’ve all had days where we feel trapped, and others where we feel as though our thoughts physically need piecing together. The images appear to be shrouded in melancholy, but perhaps that’s because the subject’s feelings are so tangible.
However, despite being melancholic in theme the work is undeniably beautiful. Both simple and striking.
Kim explains: “I’ve been making a series of drawings called “Moonassi” since 2008. Moonassi is my artist name, which is similar to the Buddhist term “Anatta”. From the beginning, I wanted to draw something I really know, and something I really can speak about.
“My drawings are all about me and others. What I like to create is a drawing as an empty space between me and the viewer, so that people can talk and find their own story from my drawings. I only use black because it’s simple. I draw on small paper because it’s convenient.”
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