[PAMERAN] Down Below by Arris Aprillo

Buat kamu yang berdomisili di Surabaya dan sekitarnya, yuk mampir ke pameran ini!



An Art Exhibition by Arris Aprillo

At ARTOTEL Surabaya. Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 79-81,
Jawa Timur. T. (031) 5689000.

Opening: 29 Jul 2016, 7pm

On view: 29 Jul – 29 Sep 2016


In “Down Below”, Arris is giving the sea a new perspectives. A world that represents the inner being as a human. These characters in the artworks are embodied the aspects of the human minds. While sometimes, we saw everyone only on the surface. And it Is easy for us to judge others without fully understand the whole. But to go down below is to see the souls. Deep, complex, full of secrets and yet so powerful at the same time. The same way as the sea holds their true nature. Hopefully through this art showcase we will try to see others further than before. Deeper than the surface. And not to overlooked the value of the human itself. Then hopefully we could become a better person for each other.
studiomili arris aprillo down below exhibition

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